Penn Racing
Penn Racing team are the heroes of the show. Together they are working
to prevent Word Paynn from starting a second dragon-human war. Unlike
the other crews whose dragons are all the same color of draconium, each
dragon in the Penn Racing team is a different color. It is known that
there are five main colors of draconium: gold, red, blue, green and black.
This gives Penn racing four of those five colors.
the Crew Summary from the official Dragon Booster web site.
The members of the Penn Racing crew are:
Artha Tannis Penn - The Dragon Booster |
is the son of Connor Penn and older brother to Lance. Artha was an
ordinary 16 year old teenager who helped his father run the dragon
stables at Penn Racing and dreamed of a life writing vid games. Probably
as a result of a lifetime of stable chores, he wanted nothing to do
with dragon racing and little to do with dragons. But that all changed
when he was chosen by Beau, the gold dragon of legend, to be the Dragon
Booster. Now he and Beau are charged with the task of saving the world
from an impending dragon-human war and uniting dragons and humans
once and for all time.
Artha's challenge is to realize his full potential and release
the power of his dragon Beau. To do so, Artha must overcome his
immaturity and occasional selfishness. Artha tends to look for the
easy way out a little too often rather than working and training
hard. Also, having been chosen to be the Dragon Booster gives him
a bloated ego at times. These flaws tend get him, and Beau, into
trouble frequently in the early episodes. As the show progresses,
Artha's character grows and these flaws diminish.
Artha began street racing to raise money after Penn Stables was
damaged in an explosion and his father Connor went missing. Mortis
wants Artha to race as training to become a better team with his
dragon Beau. Artha's is adept at dragon racing vid games and this
experience has apparently helped him pick up the real sport quickly.
He is also coached by Kitt, who Artha has taken a liking to.
In Dragon City, Artha's identity as the Dragon Booster is known
only to Mortis, Lance, Kitt, Parmon, Stewardd, their dragons Wyldfyr,
Cyrano, Fracshun and, of course, Beau. Outside Dragon City, Propheci,
Reepyr and the rest of the Prophets crew learned Artha is the Dragon
Booster in the episode "The Lost Track of Doom," but they
don't seem to have told anyone else.
is yet known of Artha's mother. There is some speculation among
fans that Artha might not be Connor's own son since Connor and Lance
are both red-heads while Artha has black hair. However, there is
no other evidence in the show that Artha might have been adopted,
so this is merely speculation.
In addition to his friends listed above, the Dragon Booster has
gained a number of allies throughout the episodes. These include
Phistus, Stewardd, Commander Faier, Reepyr and on occasion Wulph.
It's also possible that Libris and Propheci may be willing to be
allies in the future.
Artha's main enemies are Word and Moordryd Paynn. Moordryd in particular
is Artha's rival ever since he tried to steal Beau in episode 1.
Neither Word nor Moordryd yet suspect that Artha might be the Dragon
Trivia: The lettering on the back of Artha's racing jacket says
"ARTHA" but, for some unknown reason, it's a mirror image
of how the letters should appear. Artha's middle name comes from
Tannis the Wise, the dragon priest that instructed Connor. |
Lance Patrik Penn |
is Artha's little brother. Refreshingly, Lance is not just the typical
comic relief side-kick kid character that appears in most shows.
Although he's only 10 years old, he at times acts with more maturity
and insight than his years would normally warrant. This is particularly
true in episodes like "Faster Than Fear" and "Wraith
Booster" where Lance plays a key role in the story. When Artha
gets into a tight spot, Lance will help out any way that he's able.
But he's still a kid at heart and enjoys playing vid games and occasionally
teasing his older brother (and perhaps causing a little mischief
as well).
Like most kids his age, Lance is trying to grow up but is occasionally
frustrated when the older teenagers won't take him seriously or
listen to what he has to say.
Lance's dragon is Fracshun and they seem to make a good team. |
Connor Jackson Penn |
is the father of Artha and Lance. He is an orphan who, along with
Word Paynn, was raised by the Dragon Priesthood since he was a small
child. While in the priesthood, Connor took the prediction of a
coming dragon-human war seriously and began a program to breed gold
dragons back into existence to fulfill a prophecy that a gold dragon
of legend would come to stop the war and unite dragons and humans.
After a lifetime of work, he was successful and bred Beau whom he
raised from a pup. Connor was also the bearer of the gold star amulet
of the Dragon Booster. It was apparently passed down through the
ages by the Dragon Priesthood and given to Connor so he could in
turn pass it on whoever was chosen to be the Dragon Booster by the
gold dragon.
Connor disappeared mysteriously either shortly before or as the
result of an explosion that occurred at Penn residence in episode
1. He was not seen again until episode 26. See
Mortis for more details.
Connor's wife is never seen or mentioned in the show so far.
Parmon Sean
(or just Parm, as his friends call him) is Artha's best friend.
At age 17, Parmon is a technical wiz, though sometimes the things
he builds don't quite work out or last as long as they should in
theory. Parm is not exactly the bravest member of the Penn Racing
team and would much prefer to run and avoid fights. However, if
his friends are threatened, he doesn't hesitate to come to their
Parmon is the oldest member of the group and tends to think Artha
and the others should listen to him. He helps Artha during races
but is frequently annoyed when Artha doesn't heed his advice. Parm
likes to play things by the book with well thought out plans and
generally coaches Artha to race with a more conservative style.
He is annoyed when Artha chooses to improvise or act impulsively.
Parmon's family is never seen, though it is known that his mother
is a teacher (revealed in "Into the Fire"). Where Parmon
lives is unknown, though he frequently sleeps over at Penn Stables.
Parm's dragon is Cyrano.
Kitt Raada Wonn
16 years of age, Kitt is one of the best street racers in Dragon
City. She and her dragon Wyldfyr form a strong team that's difficult
to beat on the race track. Kitt is sure of herself, strong minded
and a bit feisty. She believes in Artha and wants to help him prevent
the dragon-human war in any way she can. She routinely gives him
advice to help him become a better racer. Kitt likes Artha, but
at the same time, won't hesitate to tell him when he's doing something
dumb or selfish. Kitt tried to ride Beau in episode 1 before he
had chosen Artha but she was rejected by him. Even so, it appears
she will have a strong role to play working with Artha and Beau
to stop Word Paynn.
Kitt lives in the Down City section of Dragon City, and she knows
her way around Squire's End and Down City better than Artha. Nothing
about her past or family has been revealed.
Mortis |
is the only known dragon priest in Dragon City. He is Artha's mentor
and trains him in the ancient ways so Artha can fulfill the prophecy.
He gave Artha the ancient Dragon Booster armband on their first
meeting when Artha discovers the Dragon Temple deep below the Penn
Racing Stables. Mortis knows many legends and secrets, and knows
much about what lies in the wasteland surrounding Dragon City. He
is also highly trained in the ancient fighting techniques.
Until "The Return of Drakkus, Part 2" (episode 26), nothing
was known about his past and Mortis seems to have wanted it that
way. He appeared on the scene in episode 2 shortly after Connor
disappeared in episode 1. Most fans picked up that he was Connor
in disguise, and this was finally confirmed when Mortis revealed
himself to Artha and his friends in episode 26. In this episode,
Connor explained that Artha needed to believe in himself in order
to release the full power of both Beau and himself, and that Artha
needed to do so without relying on his father as a crutch.
In "Broken Bonds," it was revealed for the first time
that Word Paynn is aware of Mortis' existence and both refer the
other as an old enemy. This apparently means they have had encounters
and conflicts prior to the time of episode 1, though they have never
met during the course of the show.
In "Return of Drakkus, Part 2" we learn that Mortis was
an Elite Class racer 30 years ago and one of his chief rivals was
Drakkus. This means that Connor was disguising himself as Mortis
long before Artha was even born. Neither Mortis nor Drakkus seem
to know the other's true identity.
While Connor was hiding himself as Mortis he rarely left the subterranean
dragon temple beneath Penn Stables. Except in "Prophet's Motive"
and "Return of Drakkus, Part 2," we never see him talk
to anyone except Artha and his friends.
Beau - The Gold Dragon of Legend
is the Gold Dragon of Legend and the only gold draconium dragon
in existence in present day Dragon City. Beau was bred by Connor
Penn and was named after the Beaucephalis, the gold star dragon
that stopped the first dragon-human 3000 years ago. Beau is 16 years
old, the same age as Artha, and the two were raised together by
As a gold dragon, Beau is the only dragon in Dragon City to choose
his rider. Connor held try-outs and Beau rejected all riders until
Artha rode him in episode 1, making Artha the chosen Dragon Booster.
When Artha is teamed with Beau, he enhances Beau's power and, with
training, Artha will be able to release the full power of the dragon.
According to prophecy, a Gold Star dragon would one day return
to prevent a second dragon-human war. Word Paynn is seeking to start
the war and the only thing that can stop him is the gold dragon.
He therefore seeks to capture Beau to prevent Beau from stopping
his plans. If Word can control Beau, then he is almost assured victory
in his plans since he could then use Beau to lead the war.
Beau's normal colors are black with gold markings. He can change
his colors to blue and red to hide his identity so that he and Artha
can race and be seen in Dragon City without Word Paynn finding out
who he is.
gold draconium gives him many abilities that no other dragon
has. In particular, he can sprout wings and glide, and he
can channel draconium energy from other dragons and humans
and use it himself. He can also generate a shield around himself
and can mag-jump higher than any other dragon.
Beau also commands a good deal of authority with other dragons.
Most appear to recognize him as a leader of their kind and
will bow down to him. The only exceptions so far are the orange
dragons of the Prophets crew.
interacts with humans more than other dragons we see, and he seems
to take delight in teasing Artha at times. Beau also seems to have
a more developed sense of humor and is the only dragon we see that
snickers and he even bursts out laughing on occasion. Even though
he likes to have a little fun, he takes his role as the gold dragon
of legend seriously with unflinching bravery and determination.
Many fans consider him to be the true hero of the show.
is a green Bull-class dragon ridden by Parmon. Like all dragons of
this type, he is heavily muscled and built for strength. As such,
speed and agility are not his strong points. He also doesn't appear
to be among the brightest of dragons either. Cyrano is more at home
bashing down a wall or towing a heavy load than he is at running in
a race or fighting. He seems well suited to Parmon who doesn't seem
to have much interest in racing himself and would prefer to avoid
fighting altogether. Cyrano is slow, steady and reliable. |
is a blue dragon ridden by Lance, and like Lance, appears to be
young. It seems likely that Fracshun and Lance are the same age
(10 years old). Like Lance, Fracshun is enthusiastic but lacks experience.
Agility seems to be one of his strong points. Though bigger dragons
like Beau and Wyldfyr can outrun him, Fracshun is nimble and quick
in his own right. Fracshun is the smallest dragon in the team and
is a loyal friend to Lance. He will help Lance whenever he can and
contributes to the story the most in "Faster than Fear."
He doesn't appear in the show until episode 4 and nothing about
his past has been revealed, though presumably he was raised by Connor
and Lance at Penn Stables.
Fracshun has a design on his left flank that's very similar to
the design on Lance's helmet. The design pretty much looks like
a 10 year old's drawing of a dragon, so this was presumably drawn
on him by Lance. The other possibility is that the design is a natural
part of Fracshun's coloration and it just happens to look like a
kid's drawing. If so, Lance could have then just copied it onto
his helmet. Either way, Fracshun is the only dragon with a recognizable
image on him.
Tyrannis Pax
Pax is the giant, four-armed bipedal dragon ridden by Mortis. He
is a powerful dragon and Mortis indicates he has been trained in
the ancient ways and that his draconium energy is very pure. While
it hasn't been yet stated, Tyrannis Pax may be a gold dragon of
some type since his mag energy looks as if it's the same color as
Beau's. In any event, Mortis is able to channel and project his
dragon's mag energy for attack and defense. This fighting style
is referred to as "mag claw" and is only known to those
trained in the ancient ways. Given the very high level of teamwork
between Mortis and Tyrannis Pax, it appears they have worked and
trained together for quite some time.
Tyrannis Pax doesn't appear in the show until episode 25 "The
Return of Drakkus, Part 1." He appears to have been living
in seclusion down in the dragon temple with Mortis until then. Nothing
is known about his past or how he and Mortis came to meet. It's
possible that Tyrannis Pax is another ancient dragon like Libris. It also uncertain if his two extra arms are real arms or mechanical arms from some type of gear he may have magged. There doesn't appear to be any gear on his back where the arms are, but we've also never seen a four-armed dragon before. |
Wyldfyr |
is a red Magma-class dragon. According to the "Ultimate Scrap book" and the trading card game, Wyldfyr is a female. However, in "Framed" (episode 29) Kitt referred to Wyldfyr as "boy," so now this dragon's gender is uncertain. You'd think there would be more female dragons in the show besides Decepshun, but who knows.
Wyldfyr is one of the fastest dragons on the race track
and has a stride that makes running look effortless. Kitt frequently
uses red thruster gear on Wyldfyr to go even faster. Wyldfyr hasn't
shown much of her personality on screen, but she is very loyal to
Kitt, and as seen in episodes like "Three Times a Hero"
and "Wraith Booster," won't hesitate to defend her when
the need arises. |