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Advanced Card Search

The advanced search allows you to find cards in the card library that match the specified criteria. You can search by any properties of the cards such as color and energy level. You can also search based on the card text or title. For example, to find all cards that affect gear, simply type "gear" into the card text field. The title and text fields accept wildcard characters and regular expressions allowing some fairly complex queries to be made. You can also browse the card library by clicking here.


Type: Color:

Card Title Contains: (leave text boxes blank to match anything)

Card Text Contains:

Ignore case on title and text searches

    (search results are displayed below)



All Dragon Booster characters and related logos are the property of The Story Hat. Read the full notice here. Please report broken links and errors to the webmaster . Unless otherwise noted, all text appearing on this web site as well as all non-character based design elements are Copyright © 2005-2007 by Curt Schimmel.