Dragon Booster Fan Site Logo

Welcome Dragon Booster Fans!

Dragon Booster will end after episode 39 unless the broadcasters order more episodes. We need to convince them that the fans want more. Your voice counts! Please take a moment to sign the petition below now. Have your family members sign as well. It will make a difference.

This fan site is visited by thousands of people every month. If each person signed and had their immediate family members sign as well, we'd have well over 10,000 signatures! So please sign while you're here now. Just scroll down and click the button to sign.

You don't have to give your full name on the petition. Just put down your first name, user name or initials if you want, though putting down your full name will lend more weight to the validity of the petition. Also, you don't have to give your regular email address either. You can use if you want, or you can create a free email account at mail.yahoo.com and use that instead. Your help will make a difference. Please sign. And have your family sign as well.

After you've signed, please take the next step and participate in the letter writing campaign as well.

You can help further by requesting that the episodes of Dragon Booster be available in the iTunes Store. This will give more people a chance to be exposed to this great show. Strong sales on iTunes would convince the networks to order more episodes. Request it now on the iTunes web site->

And when you're done signing the petition, you can click here to visit the main page of this fan site.



All Dragon Booster characters and related logos are the property of The Story Hat. Read the full notice here. Please report broken links and errors to the webmaster . Unless otherwise noted, all text appearing on this web site as well as all non-character based design elements are Copyright © 2005-2007 by Curt Schimmel.