is 17 years old and is the leader of the Army of the Dragon crew.
Given their apparent hierarchical command structure, one would imagine
that Wulph is the strongest leader of the bunch and hence the rest
of the crew follows him without question. Like all military leaders,
he is strong willed, decisive and determined.
Wulph worked for Word Paynn in "The Chromatic Dragon"
because he believed Word to be a strong leader and he believes in
following strength of leadership. However, when it became clear
that Word was using him, he switched sides and allied himself with
the Dragon Booster. This alliance though is not reliable as Wulph
opposed Artha in "The Mechanist" when he saw the advantage
of getting hold of the Horn of Libris for himself. This makes him
and his crew an unpredictable element.
Wulph has also shown that he will intervene even when not asked
if he believes there to be a danger to his crew or others. In "Prophet's
Motive" we see him assist Artha against Artha's wishes because
Wulph recognizes the threat that Propheci represents.
Unlike some other crews that use lies and deceit, Wulph seems to
always speak the truth, even when he's opposing you. This trait
is possibly derived from a military code of honor.
Wulph has a mark across his right eye and his dragon Hyve has
a mark across his left eye. Whether these are battle scars or tattoos
that signify their rank as the lead members of the crew is unknown.